Welcome to Care4Bones
The purpose of Care4Bones is to promote quality of life for people with rare bone diseases. We started with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) and since 2024 we are supporting other rare bone diseases, too. We achieve this by providing an innovative space for networking within and across two communities: people with rare bone diseases who can connect to others with the same disorder and the professional community caring for people with rare bone diseases. We support knowledge sharing and make collaboration on research and healthcare improvement easy. Because the conditions we focus on are rare, we can make a huge impact by working together across the globe. Every professional with experience in rare bone diseases and every person with a rare bone disease is welcome! Join us now!

Care4Bones provides three platforms: one for the professional community, one for the OI community and one for other rare bone diseases

Sharing knowledge
We have exceptional talents in the professional and the rare disease community. Let’s share our knowledge and learn from each other.

Making impact together
We are stronger by working together. Let’s make a positive impact on quality of life for people with a rare bone disease
Join us

Care4Bones for professionals
First time? Request to join the community here

Care4Bones for people with OI
First time? Request to join the community here

Care4Bones for people with rare bone diseases
First time? Request to join the community here